House Party Demo

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House Party 0.18.0 Released to Alpha Testers. Gallery House Party 0.18.0 Released to Alpha Testers Uncategorized. House Party 0.18.0 Released to Alpha Testers. . Amash (I), MI changed party affiliation to Libertarian effective. The House is debating bills under suspension of the rules. It completed debate and postponed a roll call vote requested on H.R. 8900 - Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021, and Other Extensions Act. 'Hal and the Takelings can do battle in 3 different minigames, in 3 different rooms of the house. There is a Party Mode as well as free play available for you and up to 8 friends. Our app app is also available in beta on Android and iOS (through Testflight), allowing you and your friends to play as Takelings locally from you smart phones.

House Party Demo

While the presidential contest understandably gets the lion's share of election coverage, don't forget that all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will also be up for grabs in November. And Democrats currently look like decent favorites to hold onto the majority they won in the 2018 midterm election.

Currently, Democrats hold 233 seats to the Republicans' 196, giving them a sizable 37-seat advantage. (There are also five vacancies — four seats previously held by the GOP and one held by Democrats.) That means that if Republicans hold onto the four vacant but solidly GOP seats they previously controlled, they will need to pick up 18 seats to win a majority.

But that might be difficult for House Republicans. The electoral environment currently favors the Democrats, and Republicans have more open seats to defend. Median race ratings from the three major election handicappers — The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections and Sabato's Crystal BallI gathered all three sites' race ratings for all 435 seats and took the median rating of the three. 'Safe' and 'solid' were treated as equivalent. Inside Elections uses a 'tilt' rating that has no equivalent at the other two sites, so if that was the median rating, I treated the race as a toss-up.


While the presidential contest understandably gets the lion's share of election coverage, don't forget that all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will also be up for grabs in November. And Democrats currently look like decent favorites to hold onto the majority they won in the 2018 midterm election.

Currently, Democrats hold 233 seats to the Republicans' 196, giving them a sizable 37-seat advantage. (There are also five vacancies — four seats previously held by the GOP and one held by Democrats.) That means that if Republicans hold onto the four vacant but solidly GOP seats they previously controlled, they will need to pick up 18 seats to win a majority.

But that might be difficult for House Republicans. The electoral environment currently favors the Democrats, and Republicans have more open seats to defend. Median race ratings from the three major election handicappers — The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections and Sabato's Crystal BallI gathered all three sites' race ratings for all 435 seats and took the median rating of the three. 'Safe' and 'solid' were treated as equivalent. Inside Elections uses a 'tilt' rating that has no equivalent at the other two sites, so if that was the median rating, I treated the race as a toss-up.

'>1 — rate 222 seats as safely, likely or lean Democratic, and 193 seats as safely, likely or lean Republican. The other 20 seats are toss-ups that could go either way.
Median Race Rating
PartySafe DLikely DLean DToss-upLean RLikely RSafe R

Meanwhile, the GOP retains a slight edge in only two districts Clinton won in 2016: New York's 24th Congressional District and Pennsylvania's 1st Congressional District.

House Party App Demonstration

Of course, none of this rules out the GOP retaking the House in November. For one thing, the generic ballot margin could narrow and the electoral environment could grow more competitive as we get closer to November. This is especially true if the contest between Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden heats up. That's because House results are partially tied to the race for the White House — that is, if the candidate at the top of the ticket does well, that can produce down-ballot gains for their party.

House Demolition Party

And a good performance from Trump could make a big difference in the House, as the House map already has a slight Republican lean. The median House seat, using the 2016 margin between Trump and Clinton, is Florida's 25th Congressional District, which Trump carried by about 2 points. That means the median House seat is about 4 points to the right of the country as a whole, as Clinton won the national popular vote by 2 points. In other words, even though Democrats are currently favored, a shift in the electoral environment toward the GOP could make them particularly vulnerable, especially considering they have few targets on favorable turf because they already won most Clinton-won districts in 2018. And when push comes to shove, those districts that Trump won in 2016 and Democrats picked up in 2018 are where the House will likely be decided.

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‘I totally buy … Democrats have a chance at winning (Senate)': Nate Silver

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